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Best RV Battery for 2021

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Best RV Battery for 2021 – Reviews & Buying Guide

When it comes to selecting the best RV battery for 2021, there are several variables that you have to consider.  Just as each of us selects a different recreational vehicle, the RV battery requirements for each will vary.  Do you need a lithium RV Battery or regular deep cycle RV Battery?  It all depends on your RV rig and the type of RV Camping that you are accustom to.  For some, they are plugged into a shoreline connection over 90% of the time they are RV Camping.  For others, they love the boondocking and rely heavily on their RV Battery.  Here’s a quick review and buying guide to help you select the best RV Battery for 2021 and your RV Rig.

A Spotlight On The Best RV Battery for 2021:

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Battle Born LiFePO4 Lithium RV Battery

For those who demand the most of their RV Battery, the first on our review list is the Battle Born LiFePO4 Deep Cycle Battery – 100Ah 12v with Built-in BMS – 3000-5000 Deep Cycle Rechargeable Battery – Perfect for RV/Camper, Marine, Overland/Van, and Off Grid Applications.  This is a Lithium Ion cell battery, so you are getting the latest technology for an RV battery.  Unlike Lead Acid batteries, lithium ion batteries have unlimited mounting capability and they they last longer than the average RV battery, making them more cost efficient in the long run.  When considering time and expense when you decide to buy, this lithium ion RV battery comes out on top.

Another consideration, lithium ion RV Batteries are safer in that they do not contain lead acid like other RV Batteries.  And the lithium RV Battery can help protect against ground faults.

Lithium RV batteries are made from 100% safe, nontoxic, renewable energy.  They last for more cycles (cycling from being charged, discharged, and charged again) and typically charge faster than their lead acid RV battery counterparts.

The Battle Born lithium ion RV Battery is made in the U.S.A. in Reno, Nevada, and it comes with an amazing 10-year warranty.

Do you have Solar Panels on your RV Vehicle?  Then you may want to consider the lithium RV Battery for your rig.  Then you will have the best combination for your boondocking RV Camping.  If you are looking to install solar, check out our article on the best RV Solar panels.  If you have the solar panels installed, you may want to go for a smart RV Battery monitor like the one pictured to the right.





[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Battle Born LiFePO4 Deep Cycle Battery” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • Long lasting lithium ion RV battery.
  • Lightweight, only 1/3 the weight of lead acid batteries
  • Never needs water
  • Highly reviewed


  • It’s pricey, the most expensive in our review.


Optima OPT8016-103 D34M BlueTop RV Battery

Next in our reviews, we move out of the lithium battery to the  very popular AGM cell battery, and we like the Optima OPT8016-103 Batteries D34M BlueTop Starting and Deep Cycle Marine Battery as an extremely well-made RV Battery

First, it is 15 times for effective against vibration, which makes it very durable and perfect for an RV battery, including keeping all your comfort features going that tend to quickly drain your battery.  On top of providing outstanding vibration resistance, the BlueTop efficient power delivery and faster recharge time meaning,  you’ll spend less time worrying about your RV battery.

This RV Battery is also spillproof, which means the battery is mountable in virtually any position. The OPTIMA BlueTop high-performance RV battery is of the AGM battery type.  AGM batteries are sealed, which means no adding water — they are maintenance free RV Batteries. 

In all, this RV battery will give you  exceptional running time and more recharges (cycles) than you would get out of a traditional lead acid battery.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Optima OPT8016-103 RV Battery” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • AGM type RV Battery.
  • Maintenance free – no need to fill with water.
  • Many times more resistant to vibration, great as an RV battery.
  • Sealed – spill proof, can mount it almost anywhere


  • Because of its unique construction, make sure you have proper charging voltage


Renogy Deep Cycle RV Battery

The next RV battery that we want to take a look at on our best RV battery list is the Renogy Deep Cycle AGM Battery 12 Volt 100Ah for RV, Solar Marine and Off-grid Applications, Gray, another of the AGM type of RV Battery.

Renogy’s deep cycle AGM batteries were specifically designed for solar energy storage applications.  This RV battery is also leak-proof, spill-proof and virtually maintenance free.  Because of these features, it makes for another high quality performance RV battery.

The manufacturer of this RV Battery highly recommends installing the battery in an upright position, even though it is a spill-proof RV Battery.  It is possible to install the battery on its side, but only if there are special reasons for doing so.  You  SHOULD NOT install the battery upside down.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Renogy Deep Cycle RV Battery” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • AGM type RV Battery.
  • Maintenance free – no need to fill with water.
  • One of the lesser expensive, yet high quality RV Battery.
  • Excellent discharge performance.


  • One of the heavier batteries, weighing in at 66 pounds.


Interstate Batteries Deep Cycle RV Battery

Next up in our RV battery line up is the Interstate Batteries 12V 110 AH SLA/AGM Deep Cycle Battery for Solar, Wind, and RV Applications – Insert Terminals (DCM0100), which is made for mobility, like electric scooters and wheelchairs, but this durability translates into a perfect RV Battery application.

The Interstate Batteries features a universal fit that is suitable for the solar needs of your RV vehicle.  It is also a deep cycle RV battery with AGM construction, making it a great RV battery as well as marine battery or solar panel battery.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Interstate Batteries Deep Cycle RV Battery” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • Made for travel, durable mobility RV Battery.
  • Maintenance-free and spill proof because of the AGM technology.
  • Long life for deep discharge usage.


  • No warranty listed.


Universal Power Group RV Battery

For the final review on this best RV battery of 2021 article, we are going to be taking a look at the Universal Power Group 12V 100Ah Solar Wind AGM SLA DEEP Cycle VRLA Battery 12V 24V 48V RV battery.

Although this is the most reasonably priced batteries in our review, don’t let the low price fool you.  This is a very popular RV Battery.

Once more, this is an AGM RV Battery that is maintenance free, spill proof, and can be mounted in any position.  It too is built to resist shocks and vibration, making it perfectly suitable for the rough roads of RV camping.

This is an excellent universal battery that many have used as an RV battery.  I has over 1,000 reviews and has maintained a high review rating, which was 4.5 out of 5 stars at the writing of this article in early 2021.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Universal Power Group RV Battery” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • AGM type RV Battery.
  • Maintenance free – no need to fill with water.
  • Least expensive of our reviewed best RV Battery for 2021 list.
  • An Amazon choice for RV Batteries


  • Not particularly suited for RVs with solar panels


Your RV Battery Buying Guide

RV Battery in series

Things to look for when purchasing an RV Battery.

An RV Battery or series of batteries is used to supply DC power (usually 12 volts, but not always) to the 12-volt appliances in your RV rig when you are not connected to a campsite or home shoreline.  So having good batteries is a must if you want to keep all your 12-volt comfort items running when not connected. Let’s start the buying guide by talking about one of the easier things to consider when shopping for the best RV Battery for 2021: Lithium Ion or AGM.

Lithium ion vs AGM, which is the best RV battery?

With the advancement in battery technology, Lithium RV batteries are readily available to the RV Camping consumer.  But which one is better, Lithium or AGM?   There are entire series of articles on the advantages and disadvantages of these great RV battery options, so here is just some of the major points to consider.Best RV Battery Buying Guide

Lifespan and Discharge

Currently, Lithium batteries have a longer lifespan than AGM batteries.  This may be due to the depth of discharge sensitivity of AGM batteries, which means the deeper the discharge on the battery, the fewer the cycles it will have (cycles being discharging, charging, discharging.)  Lithium takes an advantage in this category.

RV Battery Technology

AGM battery technology has been around a lot longer than lithium, and it has proven itself over and over as one of the best RV Battery.  Especially in cold whether, AGM out performs lithium in cold whether, so take that into consideration when making your purchase.


Lithium batteries are considerably lighter than their AGM counterpart batteries.  AGM contains the lead-based core, which is much heavier than lithium.  So if weight is a factor, lithium batteries may be the better option for your best RV battery.

Discharge Limitations

As mentioned above, AGM batteries are sensitive to discharge, and the recommendation is that you never go below 50% of discharging your batteries.  Lithium batteries, on the other hand, can be discharged well between 80% to 90% of their capacity.  If you love boondocking out in the wilderness, no hookups in sight, then peace of mind will come with lithium batteries.  However, if your style of RV Camping is the occasional one month here, one month over there, then an AGM battery may be your best RV Battery.


AGM batteries for your RV is still the standard for every day RV camping needs.  Unless you have special requirements for a lot of solar panels on your RV, or you like to boondock more frequently, in those circumstances you may want to look at the lithium batteries.  Otherwise, pick yourself a good AGM battery – they are reasonably priced, maintenance free, and generally provide the best return of cycles for your investment, making it the best RV battery for 2021.

Thank you for reading our article on the best RV battery for 2021.  If you found this helpful, please share with your RV camping friends and family.  Also, please check out our article on the Best RV Cover for 2021 if you need a cover for your recreational vehcile.


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