RV Camping Pros - Camping Gear Reviews

Best RV Cover for 2021

Best RV Cover 2021

Best RV Cover for 2021 – Reviews & Buying Guide

Protect your RV investment, get an RV Cover today!

Best RV Cover for 2021 and Buying Guide

To say that RVs are expensive would be something of an understatement. For many people, their RV is the culmination of a lifetime of investing and wise saving. Given this fact, it only makes sense that you would want to take every precaution necessary to keep your RV safe and looking as close to new as possible with the best RV Cover for 2021. An essential tool in this fight to preserve your RV is the RV cover. This helpful tool keeps your RV protected against the elements and actually adds significant years to its lifespan. We have collected some of the best options around and will be going over the best ones in this review article. If you want to know what the best RV cover overall is, we would recommend the ADCO 52244 Designer Series Cover.

A Spotlight On Some of The RV Covers for 2021:

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ADCO 52244 Designer Series Cover

For the very first review on our best RV cover list, we want to do a review of a cover that is absolutely fantastic since it manages to combine quality and affordability into one really appealing package, which makes it a nice, middle of the road option to kickstart the review list. Also, given the variety of sizes that the ADCO 52244 Designer Series SFS Aqua Shed Travel Trailer RV Cover – 26’1″ – 28’6″, Gray comes in, you are sure to be able to find a size that fits your RV.

We really can’t stress enough how much of a good job the ADCO does when it comes to protecting your RV. The cover is made from polypropylene, which does an absolutely fantastic job of protecting your RV from both the larger elements (rain, snow, and more), as well as very harmful sun rays. Excess moisture can be a silent killer for many RVs, but that isn’t something that you will have to stress about if you use this cover.

What is even more impressive that the ADCO manages to offer such good quality and RV protection, despite being relatively moderate when it comes to price. While $250 doesn’t seem “cheap,” by the standards of RVs, it definitely isn’t bad, and it actually makes it one of the more affordable covers on this list. So, you are definitely getting really exceptional value for the money that you put into the cover.

One issue that we will bring up regarding the ADCO 52244 Designer Series Cover has to do with its durability. Now, we wouldn’t exactly call it a “cheap” cover, nor would we say that it isn’t durable, since that would be incorrect. What we will say, however, is that this is a very unforgiving cover.

It is very prone to ripping if you aren’t careful when handling it. While this is certainly a very annoying issue, the quality and moderate price of the cover does mean that it is still worth a purchase.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”ADCO 52244 Designer Series RV Cover” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • Protects against harmful sun rays.
  • Made from polypropylene.
  • Not too expensive, given the quality.
  • Wide variety of sizes to pick from.


  • Really prone to tearing and ripping if not handled correctly.


Cooltop 300D Travel Trailer RV Cover

For the next product on our best RV cover article, we are going to be doing a review of the very first high-end RV cover to appear on this list (but it certainly won’t be the last one). The COOLTOP 300D Travel Trailer RV Cover Waterproof Fits 28’7”-31’6″ft RVs, Breathable Anti-UV Ripstop RV Motorhome Camper Jayco Trailer Cover with Adhesive Patch & Storage Bag is an extremely well-made cover that has a lot of really good things going for it and no RV owner will go wrong with this one.

First off, let’s talk about the impressive quality of protection that the Cooltop 300D offers. The “300D” in the name actually refers to the quality and ply of the polyester that the cover is made out of.

The material is not only extremely rough (we explained in an earlier review the importance of having tear-resistant cover material), but it is also good at providing all-season protection. So, you can trust in the Cooltop 300D to provide protection against everything from rain to snow, and everything else in between.

Also, it has some strategically placed vents alongside the entirety of the cover, which has the effect of providing air flow in and out of the cover, all while keeping your RV protected from the other elements. That is definitely the mark of a good cover. It also helps to ensure that the interior of the RV doesn’t become unbearable if you are inside when the cover is on.

Likewise, the flow of air helps to deal with any latent moisture that is still lingering on the RV after covering it. Remember, letting moisture sit on the outside of your RV is never a good thing and it is definitely something that you should seek to prevent. Allowing the flow of air really helps with that.

One potentially annoying issue with the Cooltop 300D is that it only comes in one, particularly large, size. This can cause some issues because if it doesn’t fit your RV well, there isn’t much to do short of doing some alterations on your own.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”COOLTOP 300D Travel Trailer RV Cover” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • A very durable cover.
  • Has air vents to encourage air flow.
  • Doesn’t rip or tear.
  • Provides all-season weather protection.


  • Only available in one very large size (at time of article in early 2021.)


North East Harbor Waterproof Durable RV Cover

The next RV cover that we want to take a look at on our best RV cover list is the first option that we are going to be looking at on this list that could reasonably be said to be a budget friendly option.

Look, we would never say that an RV cover is an item where you should try to look for savings, but for those of you who don’t want to spend $300 or $400+ on a cover, then the North East Harbor Waterproof Durable RV Motorhome Fifth Wheel Cover Covers Class A B C Fits Length 31′-34′ New Travel Trailer Camper Zippered Panels Allow Access To The Door, Engine And Both Side Storage Areas is going to be the option for you.

In terms of price, there is really no contest as the North East Harbor cover is easily one of the most affordable RV covers out there. Costing around $150, it stands in stark contrast the much pricier options that have appeared on this list, which often cost upwards of $300.

So, this is the option to go for if you want to go a bit easier on your wallet. It is also good if you are buying this as a gift for someone who owns an RV and you don’t want to invest in a super expensive model.

Despite being on average about $200 cheaper than many other options, there isn’t really any noticeable decline in quality. In fact, we would hazard to say that this cover is pretty much on par with a lot of the pricier covers.

It is made from a durable polyester material that does a fairly good job of keeping the RV’s exterior protected from the various elements. It is also completely waterproof, as one would expect from a good cover.

One relatively minor issue with the North East Harbor cover is the fact that it doesn’t actually cover the door of the RV. While this isn’t an issue for those who are using the cover while traveling with the RV (since you wouldn’t cover the door anyway), it can be an issue for those who want to cover their RV for a long period (such as during the winter), since it means that the door area will be exposed to the elements. As we said, this is a minor issue that will only matter depending on what you plan to do with your RV.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”North East Harbor Waterproof RV Cover” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • Completely waterproof.
  • One of the cheaper covers out there.
  • Offers you some good value for a relatively small amount of money.
  • Made from surprisingly high-quality polyester.


  • No option for covering the door.


Camco ULTRAGuard Supreme RV Cover

The next RV cover that we think deserves a mention on this article is the Camco ULTRAGuard Supreme RV Cover-Extremely Durable Design Fits Travel Trailers 28′ -31′, Weatherproof with UV Protection and Dupont Tyvek Top (56134). The Camco is a pricey RV cover, but it is also one that has the quality and utility necessary to justify a slightly higher than average price. If you are interested in a cover that will truly extend the lifespan of your RV, then you can’t go wrong with this option.

In addition to just the general high quality of the cover’s material, it also has a bunch of features that are extremely useful. For example, a lot of RVs just don’t cover the door, so that you can access the vehicle while stored, but Camco instead opts for zipper doors that will still provide protection for your RV.

One thing that we will caution you about when it comes to the Camco ULTRAGuard is its price. This is the most expensive RV cover that we have looked at on this entire review list. Even when considered in the context of the relatively high prices of other options on this list, this cover stands out as being about $100 pricier than average.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Camco ULTRAGuard Supreme RV Cover” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • Helpful zipper doors.
  • Very good material.
  • Both durable and provides comprehensive protection.


  • Pretty pricey (clocks in at around $400) as far as RV covers go.


Classic Accessories Heavy Duty Cover

For the final review on this best RV cover article, we are going to be taking a look at another RV cover that is really well-made and that provides that same heavy-duty protection that you have no doubt come to expect from the covers being reviewed on this list.

The Classic Accessories Over Drive PolyPRO3 Deluxe Travel Trailer Cover or Toy Hauler Cover, Fits 27′ – 30′ RVs (73563) is, as the name implies, a simply, but ultra-effective RV cover that you can trust to keep your expensive investment safe and on the road for a very long time, as you are going to see in this review.

As you can probably tell just from the picture alone, this is an extremely well-made RV cover. It is made from a thick material that is extremely durable.

A lot of fabric materials seem prone to ripping, but you absolutely have to trust us when we say that this is not something that you have to worry about when dealing with this particular cover. Simply put, the fabric that they used to make this cover is extremely resistant to any sort of physical damage.

Likewise, it is equally as good when it comes to protecting your RV from the elements. The thick fabric cover is able to keep out rain, snow, wind, and much more. It also comes with a helpful vent to help get rid of any moisture that is somehow able to get through the cover. In other words, the Classic Accessories Heavy Duty Cover helps you to never have to worry about rust ever again, and isn’t that the biggest reason to invest in an RV cover?

One issue that we do have to mention regarding the Classic Accessories Heavy Duty Cover before we wrap up the review is about the weight and bulk of this cover. Even by the relatively generous standards of RV covers, this cover is pretty bulky and heavy. While we think this con isn’t enough to turn you off of buying it, and while we don’t think it will impact most of you out there, it is definitely still something that we wanted to note.

[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”no” wpc_style=”wppc-view1″ title_tag=”H3″ title=”Classic Accessories Over Drive PolyPRO3 Deluxe RV Cover” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” button_text=”Get it now” disable_button=”yes” button_link=”” button_link_target=”_SELF” button_rel_attr=”dofollow” verdict_text=””][joomdev-wpc-pros]

  • Made from some extremely strong fabric.
  • An extremely durable and heavy-duty cover.
  • Comes with a built-in vent to deal with moisture.
  • Provides extremely comprehensive weather protection.


  • Fairly heavy and bulky, even by the standards of RV covers.


Your RV Cover Buying Guide

RV Camping Pros on the road
Typically, one wouldn’t think of the simple act of buying an RV cover as being particularly difficult. After all, you just have to buy a cover and throw it over your RV, what could possibly be difficult about that?

The answer is a surprising amount. There is actually a lot of thought that can and should go into picking out the right RV cover; this can include the type of material used, the size of the cover, and other important information. All of this and more is going to be covered in our buying guide.


Let’s start the buying guide by talking about one of the easier things to consider when shopping, which is the size of the RV cover. We don’t need to tell RV owners that not all RVs are built alike. Some are smaller and some are larger, while others are wider, and some others are thinner.Kids Camping

In other words, much like all vehicles, RVs come in a wide variety of different shapes and sizes. The same general idea applies to covers. You want to make sure that the cover that you end up buying actually fits your RV.

There is no point in having a cover that only protects part of your RV because things like rust can spread quite easily, so leaving one part of your RV vulnerable to the elements means that your entire vehicle is at risk.

Material and Protection Quality

Obviously, by the far the most important thing to consider when buying an RV cover is to ensure that you get a model that offers good protection and that is made of a good material; these things aren’t just for show after all.

In terms of material, you can’t go wrong with a tried and tested material like polyester or polyethylene. These are the types of materials that popped up quite a bit on our review list and for obviously good reason, as they are very well-made and provide great protection for your RV.

On that note, we should now talk about what we mean when we say “protection.” Exactly what type of protection should you be looking for? Well, first off, the cover that you buy has to be waterproof, that is an absolute must-have feature. Likewise, you also need a cover that is able to provide protection against all of the various elements, including rain, wind, snow, hail, etc.

Basically, the more erratic weather patterns that your cover protects against, the better. Secondly, you also want a cover that protects against UV rays, as they are capable (especially in hot areas with lots of sun) of causing long-term damage to both the exterior and interior of your RV.


Obviously, another important thing to consider when buying a cover is how strong it is and how resistant it is to physical damage. As we said in a couple of the reviews on our best RV cover review list, simply covering parts of your RV isn’t sufficient since moisture and rust can spread.

Well, if your RV cover rips easily, then it really isn’t going to be providing the sort of protection that you need. So, you want to make sure that in addition to providing strong protection for your RV, the cover also doesn’t tear when you try to fold it or if it gets caught on something.


We know that that was a lot of information to take in regarding RV covers and we want to thank you for staying with it. If you have some opinions that you want to share regarding our best RV cover article, we would encourage you to leave a comment down below.

If you’re in the need to keep all your RV comfort items running, check out our article for the Best RV Battery for 2021.



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